Join the Real Curry
Learn to Cook Curry
Recipe Academy
Like a Pro!
Do you love Indian Food?
Would YOU love to cook Indian food and have it taste EXACTLY like the food you find in a good Indian Restaurant?
Would you love to learn how to cook authentic Indian & South Asian cuisine just like a native cook? Do you suffer from the erroneous belief that non-Asian people cannot cook truly authentic tasting curry? If you have ever thought that, let me tell you that it’s simply NOT true!
We can show you how to cook the best tasting South Asian food- curry- and have it tasting exactly like some of the best Indian restaurant food you’ve ever tried! Don’t believe me? Read on…
Maybe you tried cooking your favourite ‘Curry House’ dish only to find that it just doesn’t taste anything like your favourite Indian restaurant version.
What if you could make curries that taste just like the ones you get from your local Indian takeaway or restaurant but at a fraction of the cost! What if with some core preparation you could produce such a curry in less than 10 minutes? If that interests you- then this online Curry Cooking Academy is just what YOU have been looking for!
This website is UNIQUE in that there is nothing online quite like this anywhere!
Here you can learn how to cook REAL Indian food both Restaurant & authentic Home-Style, no not by reading it from a cookbook but from watching qualified award-winning Chefs teaching you how. Our online courses show students here in the UK learning to cook authentic restaurant quality curry amongst other types of south Asian food.
By registering today you can gain immediate access to over 35 video Lessons that get you behind the door- so to speak- at Adey’s Indian restaurant whereby you will learn exactly what we taught our students on our courses but here’s the thing; you get all that at a fraction of the cost!
In other words you get to take the course- online. What we have is around 7 hours of carefully edited video footage that show’s myself and Adey teaching students how to cook REAL Indian restaurant curry.
The student who attended our courses in Alford had varying curry cooking ability. You will see them go from curry novices to curry experts in a day!
Register today and you can gain access to all that plus be able to interact with Adey, myself and all our students on our member’s only Facebook group page designed to help you get the best out of what you are learning.
Thousands of Curry Cookbooks just don’t cut it…
One of the strangest things I have come across in my own personal search to replicate authentic Restaurant dishes or Home-style curry is the distinct lack of authentic recipes out there! Have you found the same?
Have you ever tried to replicate your favourite Indian curry or South Asian dish? You bought a recipe book that looked authentic rushed home to cook your favourite curry, only to be disappointed with the end result in that it tasted NOTHING like what you were trying to replicate!
Here are the reasons why?
Indian restaurants DO NOT give away their recipes in cookbooks. The vast majority of mainstream commercial so-called ‘Indian cookbooks’ in bookshops DO NOT reveal REAL Indian Restaurant recipes. Obviously no explanation needed as to why not.
Authentic Home-style Curry recipes also rarely feature in most commercial Curry cookbooks. Why? The answer is simple- these type of cookbooks are adapted to appeal to the country in which they are marketed and sold. It’s all about mass appeal and sales £££
Many of those cookbooks, to put it bluntly, are simply misleading. Even many of the recipes that appear in those cookbooks are pure invention you would never find that recipe being cooked in a real Indian, Pakistan or Bengali restaurant- crazy I know!
Don’t get me wrong I am not saying it’s impossible to find recipe books that feature real Indian curry recipes, restaurant or home-style, I am just saying it’s rare I KNOW, I spent over 27 years on a quest (an obsession really) to find REAL authentic Indian restaurant & home-style dishes.
Here’s the ANSWER…
So how does anyone learn? The simple answer is- YOU have to be shown.
How do Indian restaurant Chefs pass on their recipes, skills and techniques to their under chefs? They show them. Nothing is written down, it’s demonstrated and that’s how they learn. SIMPLE. It’s a bit like learning to drive, there’s the theory that you get from a book- but then there’s the practical too. The lessons on this online course are like the ‘practical.’
How do young women (and men) in India, Pakistan & Bangladesh learn their mother’s recipes? They are SHOWN. Again nothing is written down they learn by observing. SIMPLE.
After spending well over 27 years on a personal quest (an obsession really) to learn the secrets to REAL Indian restaurant & home-style curries I found the answers, not in the ton weight of curry cookbooks I had bought but at the hands of some very kind and helpful professional chefs and close family friends who were from Pakistan, India & Bangladesh.
I was so blown away, not just by what I learned but also by just how authentic tasting my curries became. I was driven to share what I had learned with others knowing that many people, like me, were frustrated with the lack of authentic Indian curry cookbooks out there.
I decided to write my own books sharing with others what it took me over 20+ years to learn. Those books really do reveal what REAL Indian restaurant and Home-Style curry is all about. My first book, ‘The Secret to That Takeaway Curry Taste’ quickly became a best seller on Amazon.
Cooking REAL Indian food is EASY when you are shown how…
I have sold thousands of copies of my Amazon Best Selling Book- ‘The Secret to That Takeaway Curry Taste’ and have received so many thank you letters from fellow curry nuts saying what a revelation it was to them to finally learn the secrets to their favourite food and cook curries that tasted exactly like an Indian restaurant curry. However, I wasn’t content in telling people how to do it through books, I wanted to SHOW them hence I launched my YouTube channel- ‘Curry Secrets.’
But there's more...
My books and videos have helped hundreds of thousands of people but there was a problem, my YouTube videos were limited in that I could only spend minutes teaching people the recipes, techniques and methods instead of hours. When it comes to REAL Indian food- something more was needed.
Then out of the blue came the answer. One of my original students and fellow ‘Curry nut’- Adey Payne (owner and head chef of fusion Indian restaurant) asked if I would like to partner with him on a new venture- The British Indian Restaurant Cooking Academy – his idea was that many would love to take what they were learning in books and watching YouTube videos to the next level by attending a intensive Curry Cooking Course where we could go a lot more in depth into things like spices, cooking techniques and ingredients without being limited for time by short YouTube videos.
We could spend hours instead of minutes. We could also see what mistakes our budding curry Chefs were making and hence steer them in the right direction. We could also answer their questions. So after some initial planning the British Indian Restaurant Cooking Academy was born.
Immediately we had a flurry of people rushing to sign up and take the course and interestingly nearly everyone who attended those first few courses had read the books and seen the videos and yet got so much more out of the course! In fact listen for yourself what they had to say:

Limited Reach...
While we had lots of UK based ‘curry nuts’ eager to attend our courses we equally had a lot of disgruntled non-UK based ‘curry nuts’ frustrated that they could not attend the courses- one such reader from the US suggested a DVD of the courses that we might produce and sell. What a great idea I thought! I knew that at least 40% of the people who followed me and had bought the books lived outside of the UK.
A Better Idea!
A problem! DVD players around the globe work on different regions not to mention the work involved in making the DVD’S and then shipping them all over the world. A friend of mine and Entrepaneur suggested a membership website- somewhere we could host quality edited videos of our Curry Cooking Academy where people from all over the world could come and learn what others who had attended our British Indian Cooking Academy were actually learning and getting hands on help and the experience from both myself and Adey. They would be able in affect to take our course- ‘on-line.’
What do two white guys know about curry?
You might be thinking, “What do two white guys know about REAL authentic curry?” I have spent over 27 years obsessing over curry! I grew up behind the world famous ‘Curry Mile’ in Rusholme Manchester and from the age of 13 I developed a love and passion for South Asian cuisine- I must have been in and out of every Indian & Pakistani restaurant along the curry mile. I remember many of those restaurant owners and chef’s been somewhat intrigued by this young teenage white kid always in their restaurant’s and eatery’s asking them to tell him how the food was made.
As I grew up I made friends within the Indian & Pakistani community- and of course I asked them to show me how to make authentic curry. In the restaurants I frequented I begged them to share their recipes and eventually some of those kind restaurant owners invited me into their homes to show me how to cook authentic south Asian food.
Wanting to take my passion and hobby further I opened my own Indian Takeaway in Chorley Lancashire called ‘Curry 2 Go’ and it immediately became a success! I was interviewed on BBC Radio Lancashire by Sally Naden acting as a ‘Curry Consultant.’
My Takeaway was awarded 5 stars and our reputation spread throughout Lancashire- we had people traveling 30-40 miles to try our curries! We even became popular amongst Chorley’s Asian community.
In 2011 I launched the YouTube channel- ‘Curry Secrets’ and subsequently wrote the book- ‘The Secret to that Takeaway Curry Taste.’
A fellow curry enthusiast called Adey Payne bought the book having followed my YouTube channel for a while and was so inspired by my story that he sold his then present business and opened a Takeaway in Boston Lincolnshire called, ‘Curried Away.’
He worked alongside two time served Bengali Chefs and his curries became famous in the Boston area- in fact he was awarded the status of No. 1 on trip advisor for Curry in the Boston area- not bad for a white guy!
Following Adey’s success, I asked him if he would like to collaborate with me on my second book- ‘The Secret to That Takeaway Curry Taste-Part 2’, he agreed and the second book was out.
Adey’s ambition was to own his own Indian restaurant and create something different- hence Adey’s next venture- ‘Fusion Indian Restaurant’ was born. Adey’s vision was to create a menu that served the best of BIR (British Indian Restaurant) cuisine but with a fusion of authentic home-style South Asian cuisine. It wasn’t long before Adey had a huge following.
So this is our Offering to YOU…
To share our knowledge, expertise and combined experience gained over almost three decades with YOU.
The REAL Curry Recipe Academy was born
What we have put together for you here is really the culmination of everything I and Adey have done thus far rolled into one. YOU get the benefits of all the information I have included in my books- All the content in video form of EVERYTHING we teach on ALL our courses. What we have condensed into ONE PLACE we believe is unparalleled anywhere else on the planet- period!
If you REALLY want to learn to cook REAL Indian food EXACTLY like an Indian restaurant or authentic Home-Style or vegetarian curry and impress your friends or family or even start a new business venture. YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE, IN FACT THE ONLY PLACE as there is nothing like this on the Internet anywhere else.
Our Courses…
We have at least 4 different online course planned. The first of which is NOW available- ‘British Indian Restaurant Secrets Revealed’ We knew this course would be the most popular based on how many people bought my books- ‘The Secret to That Takeaway Curry Taste.’ This course is based on what we taught the students that attended our course at Adey’s restaurant and more!
This is what you get
- 35 Videos- filmed Course Material
- Almost 7 hours of BIR Curry learning
- Lectures
- Practical lessons in Curry cooking- watch our students learn and develop new skills
- Cooking demonstrations by myself & Adey
- Lessons on how to use and get the best out of cookware
- Adey’s closely guarded award winning ‘fusion’ base gravy recipe revealed.
- Q&A- our students get there questions answered and so can you with acceptance upon enrolling to our Members only Facebook Group where you can interact with myself, Adey & other enrolled students.
- Access to over 20+ additional archive video recipes from my best selling books- these video recipes cover many of your favourite curry house dishes.
- Lifetime access- no annual fees, pay once and get access to all this forever!
More to come! Yes this course is NOT static- for our members we will add more videos and recipes on a continual basis thus adding more and more value
Strictly Limited Offer!
Because we wanted as many as possible to sign up and benefit from what we have put together we thought long and hard about making this as affordable as possible.
If you had attended our British Indian Restaurant Cooking Academy at Adey’s restaurant you would have paid £140.00 to attend the course and get a full days intensive training. Obviously the costs of running an online version of this course are considerably lower. We felt cutting that fee in half would represent incredible value for money because online students would essentially learn the same thing as those who paid £140.00
However, as we have added 20+ archive videos of many curry recipes, not to mention ongoing support from myself and Adey via access to our members only facebook page we believe students to the online version of the course in effect get much more!
As if all that were not enough we made the decision early on in the process to not make this course a static one by deciding from day one that we would continue to add more and more recipes and video content on an ongoing basis backed by the lifetime membership promise for the one off fee of £48.30instead of £69.99
£48.30 for a very limited time!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and we look forward to seeing you inside the course!

7 Day Money Back Guarantee
We are super confident that you will love being a member of our online Curry Cooking Family, that we are offering a 7 day no quibble money back guarantee for anyone who has joined that feels for whatever reason they’d like to leave.